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Kew Gardens is a great neighborhood. Yes, it is “dying” down, there are some great shuls there and a really nice school there too. I have family that still lives there and had family who lived there for 40 years before downsizing and moving away.

@aries, yes- the 5towns is awesome but I do hear that you now also have some type of recycling there now too. No? With these special garbage cans and each home was given one so people are complaining about the garbage cans overflowing? I don’t know, could be wrong but that’s what I’ve heard from my friends across 878.

Anyway, the 5towns/Far Rockaway is a great community with such amazing chassadim and different things going on constantly. People are always surprised when they come in to a conversation with there preconceived notions about the 5towns… when we tell them what really goes on here, they can’t believe it.

(Lol, yes- I do advocate for my commmunity lol, it is the best!!)