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soliek: Let’s go through your allegations against MO.
doing away with shelo asani isha: I’ve never heard of a MO place doing this. Can you please name one?
having women baalei tefilla: Only Avi Weiss’s does this, and they’re not MO. The RCA doesn’t recognize the semicha from YCT as valid, and they took a stance against Avi Weiss when it comes to the role of women in a community.
modifying tefillos: Again, how is this being done? What tefillos are being modified?
when internet is ADVOCATED for young children without any caveats or provisions: not true. YNJ, one of the big schools in Bergen County, sent out this to parents of 6th graders, as a pilot program: “Internet Safety. All parents in the sixth grade have received RYNJ Safe Home Pledges. Based on Rabbi Price’s PTA Parent Links presentations last year, all sixth grade parents have been asked to commit to use filtering and monitoring of internet devices. By joining together and undertaking a unified commitment we hope that every child will be safe from the dangers that accompany internet usage. The parental response of our sixth grade parents has been highly positive. We hope to extend this movement throughout the yeshiva.”
when television is lauded: Again, untrue. Most people probably have TVs, but they are definitely not lauded.
Now, let’s look at the yeshiva world, and things they’ve changed:
Dress code: boys only in black & white, and more and more chumros on girls that never existed before.
Kollel lifestyle: a new thing after WW2. The reasoning was originally that we needed to rebuild after the losses in the Holocaust. Now there’s a new reason given: the world is so bad, that we need long-term learning to shelter ourselves from it. Now who’s changing Judaism because of the modern world?