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Gemara. And I made it! I basically skimmed through the technical shemita gemaras etc. I’m kind of embarrassed that I spent so much time not paying attention to the davening though. But it’s not my fault they drag it out so long. Don’t expect me to finish Yoma on Yom Kippur though…

Something I was pondering, maybe someone can help me:

The Gemara (17a) says that “rav chesed” means (acc. to Beis Hillel) that Hashem leans toward kindness. How does he do this? There is a three way machlokes. R’ Eliezer says he pushes down the scale of good deeds. R’ Yose bar Chanina says no, what he does is he lifts up the scale of bad deeds. D’bei R’ Yishmael says you got it all wrong! What he does is each time a bad deed comes he puts it on the scale for a second and then quickly takes it away!

Clearly there is some hidden meaning in this Gemara I just can’t seem to figure it out. Anyone?