Reply To: sugarfree grapejuice for pesach

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kedem makes a “light grape juice” its basically watered down with 1/3 the amount of sugar..u can buy it in any grocery

The reduced sugar and calorie content of the Kedem “Light” grape juice is achieved simply by a combination of adding water, using less grape-juice-concentrate (which is used to sweeten the regular grape juice) and then adding the artificial sweetener Acesulfame Potassium to compensate.

No magic or “groisa chochmos” there.

And since both water as well as artificial sweetener cost far less than grapes, the price for the “Light” grape juice should be considerably lower than that of the regular.

How about people contacting Kedem and asking them about this?

And if they don’t respond by lowering the price of the “Light” grape juice, how about people simply stop buying it?