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When HIR lets a woman lead Kabbalas Shabbos they do so because they don’t think they have stopped observing halacha.

True. They probably have not broken any halacha.

But, what they have done is just as bad. Because for thousands of years we didn’t have women leading kabbalas shabbos.

Why? Because it is not kavod to the tzibbur, and is not tznius.

Along comes Mr. Weiss and decides that there is no reason not to, the rabbonim for thousands of years were wrong, and probably said what they said because they were bigoted.

So like I say, it is ok to have the kasha, but it is not ok to conclude that you are correct. That is just arrogant.

And no, this is not like wearing white shirts and black pants.

Furthermore, the example PY gives about genocide of amalek is certainly halacha. To have a kasha on that, and decide it is not what you will do, is to be a mumar.