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Look, you are not making the same argument as PY was. PY was applying this even to the death penalty, which is halacha.

I am not well versed in all the things he applies this to.

Ok, now, I am not talking about halacha, I am talking about hashkafa. I am saying he doesn’t respect the opinion of all the gedolim since moshe rabeinu who did not appoint women to positions of rabbinic leadership except in extreme, once in a thousand years, situations. The am haaratzos he produces, are not of the caliber of devora eishes lapidos.

And while kabbalos shabbos may be only a few hundred years old, pesukei dzimra is much older, and we never had women leading that also.

So you say he answers that the world changed.

I don’t believe that. I don’t believe he thinks that. I think he is using it as an excuse.

And I don’t believe his ideas are limited to innocuous things like leading kabbalas shabbos. The Saul Berman article I referenced, is pure kefira and disrespects every gadol in history, and also Hashem. It argues that the torah is imperfect and that until now we were all bigots but he has not fixed it.

We should also at some point discuss the fact that he thinks it is ok to ordain am haaratzim. His course of study is way shorter and less torah than the shortest orthodox program.

The biggest joke is his women rabbas. If they want to invent a new feminist term, they should call themselves “Am Haaratzas”.