Reply To: Residents of Chutz L'aretz Only Keeping One Day Yom Tov in Eretz Yisroel?

Home Forums Yom Tov Residents of Chutz L'aretz Only Keeping One Day Yom Tov in Eretz Yisroel? Reply To: Residents of Chutz L'aretz Only Keeping One Day Yom Tov in Eretz Yisroel?


Generally single (unmarried) sefardim keep one day, and the minhag among Ashkenazim is those who have a chance of returning to chutz la’aretz hold 2 days – I have been living here for 2 years now and we keep 2 days. There are different factors involved, and each person should ask their LOR, but this is the generally prevalent minhag AFAIK. For a lengthier discussion there’s a Sefer called Yom Tov Sheini K’hilchoso.