Reply To: Becoming Chareidi or MO?

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Charn: Your post is nice but doesn’t tell us what about “MO” needs to be changes. Stop going to movies? That’s just a detail, not a lifestyle. Stop following sports? Maybe, but you can’t define a movement based on that. “Modern lifestyle”? I don’t even know what that means. Using enlightenment ideas and quoting the “great thinkers” of modern history? There is room for disagreement in how to look at them. I don’t think anyone “MO” would actually say that we care about them more or even as much as Torah. And one of the heads of YCT is not any proof for what “Modern Orthodoxy” holds. You’re writing nice prose but it doesn’t mean anything if it’s still undefined. What is different between “Modern Orthodoxy” and “Yeshivhish/Chareidi”?