Reply To: Steve Jobs, RIP

Home Forums In The News Steve Jobs, RIP Reply To: Steve Jobs, RIP


Toi- First off, No one here in the CR is deifying him.

Are you saying we should not recognize him and thank him for his contribution?

Using your logic, the same way a murderer is punished severly for his actions even though it was Hashem’s plan, certainly one should acknowledge and praise someone’s positive contribution even though it was Hashem’s plan!

I cant say we are necessarily mourning his death, but we are definitely recognizing his contribution to this world.

That said, Baal Habooze does raise a very good point that the frum world may have been better off without his products. But like everything else in the world- and Toi what you said “the test is what you do with it”- our test is how we use his products. Do we download movies onto out IPods, or get the ShasPd and the other thousands of electronic shiurim available?

Do we surf the web and sites we should not visit, or do we spend our time in the Coffee Room!! :-p