Reply To: Steve Jobs, RIP

Home Forums In The News Steve Jobs, RIP Reply To: Steve Jobs, RIP


mike- certain points, i would propose, do not need a bibliography afterward to prove theyre true. there are over 1000 cares in NYC. do i need to prove it?now, growing up as a bochur in this age when ipods became super-popular, i personally witnesed tens of bochurim who became exposed to content that was, at best, objectionable. i stated before that if this is our yeidas hadoros it would have happened anyway, but im takind issue with the fact that if Hashem chose this man to supply the means then that should open our eyes as to how we should view him. i gave an example of a murderer bishogeig- he was “only” the shliach, but chazal say he was guilty and dserved the oinesh. all im saying is that we dont have to be so quick to thankn the man for giving us all this stuff; lets lok a bit harder at whats not skin deep.