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Health: actually it is s/t’s ignorance that leads to these ideas. and yes i have “re-educated” some nurses i have met. and B”H they are receptive to me correcting them. and about asking questions, it was really just that first time. if i had to do it now i dont think i would feel the same way.

ARWSF, i hope your baby is healthy now. i did a rotation in NICU but in a ‘step down’ room- the babies i saw were all on room air and getting better. the room with critical babies was a little scary, and for good reason. after spending a day there, i think i decided to leave it to nurses who are better at handling those emotions.

and i started my peds rotation today-IY”H this rotation will be phenomenal. i’m kinda already thinking this is where i might want to work one day BE”H soon.