Reply To: Dolphin Bubbles

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What I find most amazing is I thought that animals can only do tricks they are taught be trainers that drill it into them by unending repetition (like an elephant standing on its front legs), as opposed to things they can do instinctivly from birth (like a spider spinning a web).

From this clip, it seems that animals can learn things that do not come natural to them, which would imply intellegence. So if animals can go beyond what was previously thought to be their natural limitation, it seems reasonable to think that we humans are capable of things we currently believe to be beyond our grasp.

Perhaps this is what the Novi (Chavakuk) meant when he said ” For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of Hashem, as the waters cover the sea” meaning far beyond what we think we know now.

Its a bit fuzzy, but I think there’s some glimmer of sense to what I’m getting at. Anyone see / share my point?