Reply To: Temple Beth El in BP ought to become an Aish Kodesh type shul!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Temple Beth El in BP ought to become an Aish Kodesh type shul! Reply To: Temple Beth El in BP ought to become an Aish Kodesh type shul!


bpt…you left. LEFT. i daven there now. now i ask you…who is more qualified to decide the future of the shul that I DAVEN IN?

i dont care how many years ago you davened there, i dont care how many friends you lost…quit dwelling in the past. it WAS your shul. previously. and im sorry you feel that BE didnt represent the kind of judaism you believe in, but by your admission you left a while ago. so you really have no idea what kind of jews daven there now. i daven there now, my friends daven there now. families that i know who are extremely sincere daven there. baalei teshuva daven there. families and people taken in by the shul daven there. people who have gotten married through the shul daven there. people who now learn more than they ever have in their lives daven there.

with all due respect you know nothing of the shul you left. so please…dont claim you do.