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Dave Hirsch,

The Torah actually provides for what we would now call Big Government. The mitzvot singled out to be taught to prospective converts are not Shabat, kashrut, and taharat hamishpachah but Leket, Peah, Shich’chah, and Maaser Oni — to remind prospective converts that the world belongs to HaShem, not to us. Communal authorities are given the responsibility for levying taxes for education, public works, provisions for the poor, and universal health care. Communal authorities also can restrict competition in business in order to protect the markets of existing businesses — local Vaads and Batei Dinim actually do this in practice, today. A beit din can declare your property ownerless and give it to someone else, with no compensation. Price gouging is asur — as is undercharging! And of course there is no freehold land tenure in Eretz Yisrael in the ideal torah society.

Every single one of these is in opposition to laissez-faire capitalism. There really is no such thing as private property; everything belongs to HaShem who has given us limited use of property along with a lot of restrictions. It looks like you have rights to your property not because it is yours but because the torah prohibits me from taking it from you.

Of course we haven’t always followed the torah. In the 17th century, Rabbi Yom Tov Lipman Heller, the famous author of the Tosafos Yom Tov commentary on the Mishnah, instituted what would now be called a progressive tax, with the wealthy in the community obliged to pay more than the not so wealthy. Some of the wealthy slandered him to the gentile authorities and had Rabbi Heller arrested! What a chilul HaShem!!!