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SJS -What credentials do you have to give me advice on child support?
“Why do we decide to limit these benefits to a man and a woman? Why can’t two men have a legal contract? That is all “marriage” is. Well, besides for a fancy party that can help stimulate the economy.”
I don’t understand why you keep putting forth the same argument, when time and again you were told it’s against the Torah? Who brainwashed you with these liberal beliefs that you keep repeating over and over again like a broken record? Did you have frum parents? Did you get a frum education? Do you have frum friends? Do you believe everything that you hear on the media? I believe you want to live a frum life and that’s why you keep some mitzvos. But what you don’t understand is you can keep all the mitzvos, but it doesn’t mean anything if you don’t believe in Torah haskafos. If you don’t even believe in one small piece of the Torah you are a Kofer! Chazal say that Gay marriage brings about the destruction of the world, but you keep arguing for it! For some reason beyond my comprehension, you keep denying this fact. Unfortunately, this makes you a Kofer, even though you don’t think your philosophies are Kefira! BTW, the Holocaust happened because Hashem decreed it, not because the Germans were mean people and liked taking away people’s rights.(They also might have been horrible people, but that’s not the reason it happened!)