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Heath, I love the attacks on my character. How awesome! I’m a kofer because I think:

1) There is no legal reason to outlaw gay marriage

2) I think the government should get out of marriage altogether

3) I think its wrong to ask for freedoms and deny them to others.

Please explain that.

Anyway, about your job: they aren’t required to hire you if its a hardship. If they need saturday workers, that is a hardship. Again, I don’t know the industry, but here is another example. A company interviews a disabled person. Their facility is not wheelchair accesible. If they have to install a new elevator system, it will cost them $1,500,000. They aren’t required to do that by law. But if all it costs is $50 to buy some wood to build a basic ramp, they are required. There is a reason the law is vague and that’s because its different for every industry/jobsite.

Your argument about the Holocaust is sort of ridiculous. Sure, everything is run by Hashem, but generally, we have free will. The germans (at least in the beginning) did so willingly. Americans are willingly asking for gay marriage to be allowed. Does that mean its Hashem’s will?

Also, has Canada been zapped to the Ocean for allowing gay marriage? its been around for a while up there.

Again, I don’t really support gay marriage. I support removing marriage from the American government. Marriage is a religious institution.