Reply To: Another Kiruv Question

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m in Israel

mdd — yes, I was aware of that aspect of Chillul Hashem, but I’m not sure how it connects to this discussion. You did not discuss things that only “appeared” wrong. You spoke about stealing and immorality — both of which are completely assur and would consitute a Chillul Hashem no matter who did them!! I thought that your point was that if this chashuv person sinned because “he has his struggles” then it should not be considered a ta’ana on him, and not a Chillul Hashem. My response was that of course it’s a Chillul Hashem and an aveira — but how much of a “ta’anah” it is on him only Hashem knows, as only Hashem knows how great the nisayon was. It is still just as wrong and just as much a Chillul Hashem.