Reply To: Nasi Project has a new approach, I hear. Is this a nasty rumor?

Home Forums Shidduchim Nasi Project has a new approach, I hear. Is this a nasty rumor? Reply To: Nasi Project has a new approach, I hear. Is this a nasty rumor?


As much as this Nasi “game changing plan” will turn people off – the reality is that it is needed and correct. (a) When people pay for a service, they will listen more attentively when they are red a shidduch, rather than the typical stupid “brush-off” for ridiculous reasons. (b) Shadchanim are offering their time, emotions, and prayers and deserve to be both recognized with a hearty “yaasher koach” (whether it worked or not), and MUST be rewarded financially for the few of many times that they succeed. They do it l’shem shomayim, but their time and nerves have to be paid for. Thats reality and menshlichkeit.

So if this Nasi approach causes you resentment – it’s probably because you are one of the people that feel that you have everything coming to you for free, the world owes you a free ride, and you do not know or understand the concept of “hakoras hatoiv”.

Kol Hakovod to Nasi for “saying it the way it is”, even if “it’s in your face”.

And I am not a shadchan.