Reply To: Nasi Project has a new approach, I hear. Is this a nasty rumor?

Home Forums Shidduchim Nasi Project has a new approach, I hear. Is this a nasty rumor? Reply To: Nasi Project has a new approach, I hear. Is this a nasty rumor?

Dr. Pepper


It looks like you’re starting to understand the issue.

But the reality, whether we like it or not, is that shadchanim will try harder if they have a chance of being compensated. They are volunteers, not licensed professionals.

So they aren’t professionals, yet they expect to be compensated as professionals?

So they’re going to try harder? Is that what we need? More pressure, more lying, twisting more arms?

You can’t imagine how I wished they would have decided to never call me back. I was so relieved whenever a “professional” shadchan said they would never call back (only to break the promise shortly thereafter).