Reply To: Jewish Music Overload

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Are you saying that they never made money on their albums since they dont do weddings?

Yup. Although they did make concerts. Miami has always been making concerts. Moreover, if I’m not mistaken you need to pay to be in Miami in order to cover expenses. (What other choirs were there? Tzlil V’zemer? London?)

When making an album there are a million factors. You need to pay for hundreds of studio hours. You need to pay musicians. You need a producer, an arranger, a distributor, and so on, and each one takes a hefty fee or percentage. Selling a few thousand albums barely covers your expenses, if you are lucky. And any profit goes mostly to other people. It’s a fact, ask people in the business, you don’t make money on albums – unless you somehow beat the aforementioned system (like a guy like Eli Gerstner who has his own studio and is capable of arranging and producing it all himself) – but that would be an exception to the rule. The reason people put out albums is for name recognition, period.

The overload doesn’t stop people from recognizing real talent. All it does is raise the bar. I really don’t think this is a bad thing.