Reply To: Why I'm going to let my kids run around in shul

Home Forums Rants Why I'm going to let my kids run around in shul Reply To: Why I'm going to let my kids run around in shul


These kids will grow up knowing that shul isn’t tedious or unfriendly

or a place of Kedusha

I’m confused. Why is having a family-friendly environment not an environment of kedusha?

Very frequently, in the shul I lain in, kids will pull up a chair to the bimah and watch me lain from the opposite side. There is one kid (a Down’s Syndrome sufferer) who makes sure to always watch me lain when he can.

They also participate by removing/replacing the cover from the Sefer Torah at the appropriate times. I believe this to be excellent chinuch.

We also invite children up to lead the davening on Musaf after Chazaras HaShatz. The kids sing Ain Keilokeinu, lead Aleinu, Shir Shel Yom, L’Dovid (when appropriate, of course) and sing the Shiur HaYichud responsively with the tzibbur.

Why is this such a problem that if they do this, they won’t believe a shul is a makom k’dusha?

The Wolf