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November 4, 2011 6:05 pm at 6:05 pm
BTGuy, well said! I especially can appreciate your line:” I dont know if shidduchim can be made into science as everyone is trying to do. It obviously creates a lot of anxiety and stress.”Boy can I relate.
After my 2 years in E”Y, I opted for a smaller yeshiva here in America, instead of BMG Lakewood. When my aunt heard this she immediately called my mother and told her (in a polite way) that THIS was not the way to go! She was so “upset” that I wasn’t learning in a more “run of the mill” yeshiva which “everyone” goes to, What’s gonna be with shidduchim…blalala.
B’kitzur, I was VERY matzliach, extremely happy, and got married shortly after.