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I haven’t posted here in a while but I feel that I have something important to say so I will say it and you can do what you want with it.

Im not a Rav or even a big Talmud Chacham but all these tragedies have got me thinking that what Hashem wants is rather obvious.

What happens when people suddenly or even not so suddenly are niftar? It shocks people, it wakes us up, makes us aware of the value of life and makes are hearts FEEL, we feel pain, hurt, loss…

I think Hashem is trying to revive our hearts. At the end of the day all of the issues we have has a root in the issue that our HEARTS are not in our Judaism. We aren’t feeling it we don’t feel love for Hashem (or each other) and we don’t serve Hashem with enthusiasm. Our hearts are dead. We have no emotions or feelings when we do mitzvos. Do we feel when we Daven? We may want to feel but do we FEEL? Do we try to get close to Hashem? Do we think about Him? Our lives are so materialistic so external and focused on the outside. We all walk around with unfeeling hearts. I think that at the core of it Hashem is trying to get us His children who he loves so much to start loving Him back! We need to put the joy the simcha the enJOYment back into our Yiddishkiet. We can’t go on llike this. We don’t want to keep reading and hearing about tragedies. We must find a way to feel again. Get close to a Rav or Rebbetzin seek out Daas Torah and find out how to reconnect to Hashem. Most importantly, never give up ever! If you fail try again! The Kotzker famously said the longest distance on Earth is the distance from the head to the heart. Its a very difficult task to get the heart working but its what we need if we want to bring Moshiach. Face it, Hashem will not bring Moshiach to people who don’t genuinely want it coming from deep in their heart. If we don’t really want to serve Hashem then theres no point for Moshiach to come its a waste of time literally!