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The famous prayer we say on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur:U’Tshuva U’Teffila U’tzadaka… is crowned with the words tzom, kol, and mamon respectively.If you take the gematria of these words it will add up to 408(each is 136*3=408).The Kohen Gadol who was the representative of klal yisroel on yom kippur for the atonement services was only allowed into the Kodesh Kadashim once a year.This special service(mentioned in the Torah) which was once a year starts off with the word Ba’Zos(with this) Shall the Kohen enter the Kodesh Kadashim.The numeric value of the word Zos is 408 even the Kohen needed this special formula which was critical to the service. Another instance of the word Zos is used when Dovid HaMelech fought Golias he said BaZos(tzom,kol,mamon) I trust that God will assist me.(Nachal Kedumim)