Reply To: Acknowleding something good/nice that someone has done for you.

Home Forums Inspiration / Mussar Acknowleding something good/nice that someone has done for you. Reply To: Acknowleding something good/nice that someone has done for you.


I’m sorry I’ve taken so long in answering. I had a medium-sized post up last week which got lost (it never made it in).

I’m not sure what to answer. It bothers me when I watch someone hold open a door for the person behind, lend a pen etc and not get a thank you, so I’m kinda with you on this one. The only answer I can possibly give you is that people are human, and forget. I’m not saying its right, but it’s the way it is. I don’t believe people mean to be nasty or hurtful, but thats what happens. I don’t have any real practical solutions other than when you do something, do/give it in person so at least you get a thank you (which is probably better than nothing) and you won’t feel like your hard work went unappreciated.

One more thing; just because they didn’t call doesn’t mean it isn’t hanging on their dining room wall and they look at it every day. Even if they don’t say anything, don’t instantly think all your work was for nothing.

(Btw, you sound like an amazing person to do that. Do you do Pesukim specific to each person? If not, may I also suggest that you record the Pesukim for certain names instead of having to look each time.)
