Reply To: anyone else been to OWS

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so basically, they want complete laissez-faire with NO govt control as well as big name corps can not contribute to gov affairs and funds?

i dont follow politics much but ron paul is not a name i have heard a whole lot as apposed to gingrich, romney, cain etc. is paul tea party? even thought the media is misconstruing the thoe whole OWS matzev, thats the only side majority of the ppl are hearing and seeing. one point i have to add, a teacher mentioned they use the terms 1% and 99%. she pointed out that its much easier to classifier one self into this rather than upper lower class, lower middle class, middle working class etc. in this way, e/o knows which part they belong to.

while you were there, what was the average age and level of ed? the media says they are all college aged students. this true? and what is there stand on obama and his policies? even though i may not really care about their movement, i’m still interested in it. that make sense?