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as well they should if afforded that opportunity…i dont see how the two conflict.

“Occassionally the agendas overlap and those people hang out together for a bit.”

thats a fair assessment…im just saying that these two agendais specifically seem to overlap overwhelmingly as opposed to others

“i’m trying to understand so don’t be offended. when you say corporate influence, are you referring to companies who donate big bucks to a presidential campaign and then get favors from the gov?”

yeah i knew that was coming…there are certain things which should be bought and sold and certain things which should not. elections is one…court cases is another…you see my point.

“while free commerce seems like a good idea, certain categories SHOULD be monitored. one, FDA. drugs need to be monitored continuously as new side effects only become known once the drug is in the general population. two, the USDA. no brainer meat that has found to have been contaminated should be recalled. those are 2 off the top of my head. they might not be perfect but imagine if no one found the increased risk of MI associated with Vioxx?”

and youre absolutely right. i dont think anyone would disagree with you. there is a time and a place for everything

“what do they think of cains 9 9 9 plan? is that one still the best plan out there or did he lose support b/c of the allegations against him?”

9 9 9 is a ridiculous plan. first lets examine the first 2 9s. a 9 percent income tax and a 9 percent consumption tax. thats an 18% tax on every dollar you earn regardless of how much you earn. next you have a 9 percent tax on all business transactions….which of course will be passed along to the consumer as all corporate taxes are. so thats…lets say…22 percent of every dollar regardless of earnings going to the government. 9 9 9 doesnt account for local and state taxes. so lets say new york feels it isnt getting enough federal money for project X and decides to raise property taxes to fund it. or raise the state sales tax. or teh state income tax. see what im getting at?