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There are many SHU”Tim saying that it’s perfectly fine and you are of course Yotzei no matter what (assuming the only pronunciation issues are Taf versus Saf and maybe how letters are slightly pronounced). I have seen that the Chassidish pronunciations might be more of a problem because they really change the meaning according to how others pronounce it. But the Poskim quote the Misrash that each Shevet had their own path through the Yam Suf to show that everyone is Yotzi with the different pronunciations.

I personally find it ridiculous and offensive (not to me, but to others) when people who aren’t Makpid on proper Dikduk decide that they have to correct when someone says a Taf instead of a Saf. He’ll change the meaning of every word in Davening but Chas Veshalom if someone makes an inconsequential difference that this person feels defines who he is.