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Rabbi Yitzhok said: ‘The year that The year Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed, all the nations of the world will be provoking each other. The King of Persia (Iran) will provoke the King of Arabia, and the King of Arabia will go to Edom to take counsel, but the King of Persia will in turn, destroy the entire world. The nations of the world will be outraged and panick. They will fall on their faces, and will experience pains like birth pangs..

This Midrashic prediction has the makings of a probable scenario. Persia/Iran, for whatever reasons, has a problem with Saudi Arabia (Arabia). Arabia also happens to have very close ties with America (Edom, who is Rome, refers to the west, represented mostly by America). Is it not incrdible that a close to 2000 year old Midrash could be so precise in its prediction? It names the 3 players: Iran, Saudi Arabia, and America. Saudi Arabia will go to America, its big brother ally, and “take council”, something you would expect if Saudi Arabia were to ever get attacked. Additionally, the king of Persia/Iran is said to have the power to “destroy the world”. What power, or weapon, has the ability to “destroy the world”? Is this referring to the commonly held belief that Iran is seeking a nuclear weapon?