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The world stands on 3 things. One of those 3 is Chesed! However, what is Chesed? Is Chesed something which costs you? Than that is not Chesed! It costed you to go to College, learn a trade, & a skill, should you then give up on what you spent for free? Absolutely Not!

Now, let’s compare this to Shadchanus! Why do Shadchan’s charge an exorbinant amount? is it because they know that they can and get away with it? What is it costing them besides time & phone calls? NOTHING! Yet do they do it on Chesed alone? NO! They charge through the nose! As wrong as that is, the same rule applies to accounting! You earned your degree, and now it’s time for you to reap the benefits.

What’s next? Free lawyers or doctors? (Under Obama, anyhthing can happen!)

Chesed does not apply here. You are entitled to make a Parnassah. Charge them!