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coffee addict: “wow I don’t know which teams you follow but i have never heard players say nivul peh and havent repeated it”

oh, please. Your posts are usually filled with smart intelligent things to say, but you dropped the ball here. With all due respect, athletes and sports personalities are the lowest of the low together with them hollywood stars and singers. Their mouths reek of a sick vocabulary; during practice, in their personal lives and when playing. Maybe they are more subdued on t.v. being interviewed in front of a camera. But you tell me one athlete with a clean mouth and I’ll show you a thousand!

“there is no problem of Negiya if not doing it in a derech of chiba”

don’t know halacha too well, I’ll be the first to admit. But are you sure about that?? Putting yourself in a matsiv where a large, mixed crowd gathers and high chances of bumping into opposite genders -derech chiba or not, i beleive, must be avoided.
