Reply To: Chanukah Neros

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I hear what you are saying real-brisker, and I, too, purposely DON’T buy this product, and actually ENJOY getting dirty putting my neiros together myself. Same concept as building your own sukkah. instead of hiring others to put it up for you. There is such value and importance in sweating and doing it yourself when it’s for a mitzvah!

I am one of those clumsy, 2 left feet, un-geshikteh people out there but when my children see Tatty putting up a sukkah and doing mitzvos MYSELF, even though it is hard (and sometimes embarrassing) they are priceless lessons my children will learn. Not to mention Hashem’s nachas He reaps from us working hard to do the best we can to fulfill His mitzvos.

All that said, these pre-done neiros ARE convenient when, say, you are going on a Chanuka trip, are in a rush, or for elderly people, etc. The product is not the bizayon, it’s WHO is using it and WHY.