Reply To: Is the vaad the mafia??

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is the vaad the mafia?? Reply To: Is the vaad the mafia??


A number of years ago, an owner of a restaurant in a certain Vaad’s domain told me that when new places open in the community, and the Rebbeim on the Vaad do not know the proprieters well from the community, they will insist on a FT mashgiach. No doubt, if a woman is running this restaurant, the Rebbeim do not know her very well. In some neighborhoods, there is almost a literal dividing line between the Vaad supervised establishments and “all others”. Unfortunately, we as Yidden have been burnt by supposedly frum Jews who cut corners and even substituted treif. These were people who the supervising agencies felt didn’t need to be watched as closely because of who they were. Can anyone here say “Monsey” or “chicken”? A Vaad protects us.