Reply To: NASI Initiative

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1. Scientific definition of older girl:

young women above age “x”. Age “x” is the age at which the number of reasonably age appropriate men available are fewer than the number of available women. 22 is most certainly BELOW age “x”. In fact at 22 there are far far more available young men, then young women. Simpyl becasue many young women got married at 19/20 and very very few young men get married at that age.

What age is age “x”. No need nor benefit in speculating in this forum, but one thing is certain. As a result of the efforts of the last four plus years and the changes wrought in overall dating attitudes of young men to young women their own age or even slightly older, B”H age “x” is higher than it was 4 years ago.

That is a MAJOR accomplishment.

2. The reason the program MUST start at 22:

(qoute from YWN with minor adjustments)

Are the shadchanim going to redd those boys to 19 year old young women or to 22 year olds ???????

If this program focused only on those 25 and older, shadchanim would continue to redd the 19 and 20 year olds to the larger pool of dating boys. By starting the program at 22 there is NO doubt that the tremendous group of 22 year old young women (and 19 year old young women) will NOT become 42 and single.

Have a nice shabbos