Reply To: NASI Initiative

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This appears in today’s papers:

From NASI:


(full time, part time, dabblers)

You are cordially invited to join

the Ground Breaking Shidduch Program

The shadchanus money is only for shadchanim who are registered with this program. If a non -registered shadchan makes the shidduch, the money will be returned and the family will give shadchanus as they see fit. For more details, please email [email protected] .

We look forward to hearing from anyone who makes shidduchim professionally or otherwise!

In addition All registered shadchanim will be invited to join the numerous NASI programs active in communities around the country, including: Monsey, Montreal, Toronto, Chicago, Kew Gardens, Prospect Park HS, Machon 2004. These local programs appreciate and compensate shadchanim for their efforts on behalf of young women who have been dating for a number of years even if those efforts do not result in a completed shidduch.