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I am not coming to support the reasoning I used in that thread to be matir a microwave. That was just something I’d heard and did not go into well, and my rav’s reasons for being matir in that case have nothing to do with that.

My point here was simply to say that it is incorrect to blanketly state that the halacha does not accord with the Rashba. This is for two reasons. 1) There are contemporary poskim who explicitly maintain that the halacha follows the Rashba. One such posek is my rav. 2) The Shach brings down (in the place I mentioned, and thanx Popa for your input) the pshat without bringing an argument. I know Tosafos in P’sachim is clearly not like the Rashba, and there are those who hold like that, however, ashkenazim generally follow the Shach, and though you have every right to bring a raya and argue, you cannot claim that there is some kind of halacha psukah not like him.