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Beautifully put.

Basically you are saying that not everything which makes something “cooked” is called bishul, and even though something is not bishul there can still be a transfer of ta’am, and that will occur anytime there is a transfer of heat, although when we do not know whether or not there was a transfer of heat we will have certain rules of what we may assume. I agree.

To paraphrase R’ Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg (said about R’ Chaim’s chiddushim in the Rambam), I am not sure if your p’shat in the Binas Adam is historically accurate, but I believe it is true in any case because it makes a lot of sense.

I would change one thing. You wrote – “and both become observably warm,” I would change that to “observably hot” – as in yad soledes. Otherwise it is taluy in whether you hold like the Mechaber/Rema or Maharshal etc.