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The school has a heavy concentration on ivrit as a language as well as limudei Kodesh. They have seperate teachers just for ivrit. I think they believe that in order to have a good basis for learning and understanding what they learn, the kids need to understand the words. There is a huge amount of homework. Very strong curriculum, both English and Hebrew. The rebbeim are all yeshivish. The student body is mixed, ashkenaz and sefard, MO and yeshivish mixed together, all frum. You’ll see kids with long peyos and kids with kippot srugot (like an out of town yeshiva).

The school really looks out for the growth of the kids in middos and Yiddishkeit. They gave out prizes for kids keeping the checklist in shabbos connection (cleaning the house erev shabbos, putting away your muktzeh toys, setting up mommy’s shabbos candles, going to shul for Miincha /Kabbalas shabbos, etc). The classes are split in early childhood; combined for 1st through 8th, making the class size larger (class size is reflective of most Brooklyn yeshivas). There are two teachers per subject.

They do amazing extracurricular programs… Music (they gave the kids a flute this year to learn), Chanukah plays, siddur plays, yeshiva dollars that they earn with good learning and behavior and they can trade in for prizes, science fairs…..

The hanhalah is wonderful and very supportive of the kids needs.

Families are very down to earth, friendly.