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it is extremely hard to make a parnossa in the jewish Music sector

Yes Avaraham Fried does, but I think thats because he does weddings and Bar Mitzvahs because thats where the easiest money is

I know someone fairly big in this sector and he told me most of his concerts he does are “Benefits” meaning the promotor expects him to do it for free or much cheaper. Look at Fried, Lipa & MBD most if not all you see are Benefits and not For-Profit concerts.

Look what happend to Lipa Schmeltzer and the Big event. You have these issues as well

How many CD’s do you think these guys sell.

At some point Matisyahu realized there was just not enough business in the solely jewish. His Youth Album sold more than 600,000 copies. If you add up all the Fried, MBD, Lipa, etc COMBINED it does not equal anywhere near that. He had to leave his J-Dub label because they could not handle the volume

He is playing a weeks worth of concerts next week in Brooklyn at larger venues than Fried could get. and I dont think Fried can play often on a Tuesday Night and get paying customers.