Reply To: Touro or YU?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Touro or YU? Reply To: Touro or YU?


Health – Frankly this is not Touro bashing. This is neutral. If you need a degree that is just that – a degree – go to Touro. The degree you get is not academically respected though. Yes a Jew may hire you, and yes god runs the world and you can be the next CEO of Microsoft for all I care, the degree, RELATIVE to other schools is not great. YU is decent. This is the perception out there. US news rankings proves this point. In the secular world the only things that stand out about Touro are not good things. All things being equal, if two people are applying for a job and the only difference is where they got their degree, Touro is going to lose that fight. And the scandal doesn’t help.