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Who are we to say “I deserve”???? By the same token who are we to say “I don’t deserve”? Seriously, we are all created b’ztelem elokim and therefore if Hashem chooses to bestow upon us his goodness and his blessings we must accept it graciously and understand that we do “deserve” it because we are Hashem’s children and deserve both the good and the bad that Hashem chooses to send our way.

It is counter-productive to say I don’t deserve the good Hashem sends me. Of course I do, and of course you do. Hashem is in charge of his schar and onesh system and it is HE who decides what schar and for what mitzvah each schar is given. We are ovdei Hashem, and we are here to do his bidding and do the tafkid he put us here to do. We don’t know what that tafkid is, so we do the best we can and we keep trying to do whatever mitzvos present themselves and take whatever opportunities we can to produce them on our own. We work to deserve Hashem’s blessings. WE ask for Hashem’s blessings, kindness and goodness. How can we then say we don’t deserve it???

We all deserve to be loved just for the simple reason that we ARE Hashem’s children. WE all deserve to be blessed because we ARE Hashem’s children. And we all deserve Hashem’s kindness and goodness because we ARE Hashem’s children. We each possess the love, kindness and goodness that he created in us and that he awakens in us and without the blessings, kindness and goodness that he pours into us, how could we possibly give that back to others?