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Thanks, QB!

Wow, Syag…I am so sorry to hear about what you went through, and what your sister, may she rest in peace, went through. I must say that the attitude she and you had throughout her lifetime is simply amazing and staggering. To be able to accept something like that takes superhuman strength. You are truly an inspiration. Thank you so much for writing this here.

And wondering- I think Syag is right, it is much much harder to accept the pain that a loved one is going through, because we just feel so helpless and an “ousider”, and that we can do nothing to alleviate the pain. At least someone going through that pain can accept the situation they are in and have faith in G-d that He is only doing good, even if it seems to our own eyes the opposite. But for someone else, it can be so much harder to come to terms with the hurt and pain felt when a loved one is suffering. I think the best we can do is show our loved one how much we care for them, how much we feel their pain, and try to carry some of the burden for them. It is a lot easier to deal with suffering when you have someone by your side, suffering with you, carrying some of the burden.