Reply To: In-grown toenails URGENT ADVISE PLEASE

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Here we go loop dee loo, here we go loop dee laa. Those of you who know the tune sing along!! Its the same one trick pony. (Puny?) the truth is as a health care professional (which I think you are intimating that you are) YOU need to get ON a high horse and have some higher scruples. If you feel that you are being called out too many times, maybe you should reevaluate your content and tone on this site. I have seen posts where you disparage whole healthcare fields and people (nursing and the.Nurse for one). One again, WE ARE NOT INFERIOR TO YOU, WE ARE YOUR EQUAL WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT! And dare I say some of us may actually be superior to you. I have never come here to insult you. Though you have heaped insults on the rest of us. You happen to give some over the top opinions on certain fields, I never commented (so far as I can recall). You disparage and insult people who disagree with you, not a peep from me. The one thing I comment on is your somewhat off kilter medical advice given as though you are in a position of authority. And I feel that can be dangerous and is wrong. So I comment on it. I’ve got decades of patient care experience! Puny mind?? No real patient experience?? I’d wager that I have FORGOTTEN more medicine than you!! You have some nerve to treat people the way you do. You feel bad for my patients?? EVERY PRACTITIONER HERE THAT YOU HAVE ARGUED WITH HAS BESTED YOU ON MEDICAL AND STATISTICAL GROUNDS!! (not that I posted so at the time) I feel bad for YOUR patients if you have any!! The gall, the chutzpah!! The basic lack of midos is astounding. Look, I don’t know if your a physician, a PA an RN or an EMT, or even just CPR certified, YOU SHOULDN’T TREAT PEOPLE THE WAY YOU HAVE BEEN! I have no further need to see any of your replies, It would just rehash the same old song. I’ve lost interest. This site makes me angry. I don’t think I should come here anymore.