Reply To: Increase in OTD Children… are made to feel like second-class citizens,

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yitzchokm, people have their own reasons for their choices and it is up to the various yeshivas being applied to, to ask that question “if you are not that makpid in your own home or in your own levush, why do you want your child in our yeshiva?”

It is possible that the child falls between the cracks. Or the child is more serious than the parents or is looking for more, or the parents really wants the best chinuch for the child even if it means the child will be different and more frum than they are, or will ask them to make changes in their lives.

It is horrible that so many of you are looking from the other perspective as are the yeshivas. So many of you with this stinkin thinkin almost think there is a conspiracy going on where people who are a little to the left are getting together trying to bust into ultra frum yeshivas in order to destroy them. How utterly ridiculous, what would Rav Pam z”tl, or Rav Moshe z’tl say about all this?