Reply To: 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim Reply To: 8 year old gets spit on by chassidim


mikehall -“Health…why do you feel the constant need to trample on MO? It’s clear you don’t agree with their philosophy, but there is no need to continuously bash, especially when the great majority of what you say shows that you are clearly misinformed and lack any basic understanding…”

Mike…why do you feel the constant need to trample on Charedim? It’s clear you don’t agree with their philosophy, but there is no need to continuously bash, especially when the great majority of what you say shows that you are clearly misinformed and lack any basic understanding…!

“And how did MO get brought into this discussion anyway? What does MO have to do with a man spitting on an 8yr old girl? Are you claiming that because the child is MO it was justified? (eventhough there is no indication the child was MO, not that it should matter).”

The child comes from the MO community. Sorry that you don’t have the time to read that part in the news. And who ever claimed that the spitting was justified?

“Is it because the spitter is Charedi, then according to you he was automatically in the right and the girl and her family brought this on herself?

Because, this is what it sounds like…”

Not defending the spitter, but his spitting was a reaction to the provocation. Yes, they shouldn’t start up with bringing their kids to school with them not dressing properly!

“Anyhow; keep up with your nonsensical posts, they provide me with great amusement during an otherwise boring work day.”

Anyhow; keep up with your nonsensical, spiteful, hateful posts, they provide me with great amusement during an otherwise boring day!