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Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Texting Lingo Reply To: Texting Lingo

Queen Bee

Woops, sorry I forgot to add their meanings:

1) brb=be right back

2) hw=homework

3) dw=don’t worry

4) btw=by the way

5) ikr=I know, right

6) lol=laugh out loud

7) wth=what the heck

8) ttyl/s=talk to you later/soon

9) gm=good morning

10) gb=goodbye

11) bb=be back

12) hth=hope that helps

13) jas=just a suggestion

14) otoh=on the other hand

15) iirc=if I recall correctly

16) gg=good game

17) gtg=got to go

18) gj=good job

19) rofl/lmao=other ways of saying lol