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Reader’s Question:

I just davened mincha and for most of the brachos, the chazzan didn’t leave even a tiny pause between finishing one bracha and starting then next one.

I heard that one needs to say Amen before the chazzan starts the next bracha and if he says it afterward, it is an Amen Yesoma.

First I want to clarify if this is indeed correct. if it is, would this also affect the chazzan’s brachas being L’vatala?


This is a huge problem indeed.

The halacha is that the Shatz may not proceed with the next bracha until at least the majority of the Tzibur (and in certain cases, where the bracha is an obligation such as shofar, Kidush etc. the entire Tzibur) has answered Amen.

Many Poskim rule that Chazaras Hashatz today has a status like a Bracha that needs to be heard, and thus the entire Tzibur must be done answering Amen.

Answering Amen after the Shatz is already a few words into the next Bracha is an Amen Yesoma and should not be answered, as its better to not answer Amen than to Chas V’Shalom answer an Amen Yesoma that has punishments attached to it.

The Rav/gabbai of each shul should indeed make sure that people davening for the Amud are aware that they must slow down and not start the next Bracha until all (or at least most) of the Tzibur responded Amen to the last Bracha.(See Shulchan Aruch Siman 124:8 and 9 and Mishna Berura S”K 31-38. See also Biur Halacha Dibur

Hamaschil Miyad Shekala.)

This applies to Kaddish as well.

Regarding Bracha L’Vatalah, if the first Bracha of Chazaras Hashatz didn’t have 9 people answer Amen to it properly, indeed it is a Bracha L’Vatalah. The rest of the Brachos, may also be Brachos L’Vatalos, or at least close to it. (See Shulchan

Aruch Siman 124:4 and Shu”t Minchas Shlomo end of Siman 10)