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In the Garden of Eden , Adom Harishon told chava, not to TOUCH the tree, which is not what Hashem said, making a chumra and when the snake pushed Chava against the tree nothing happened.

Chazal have said that Adom’s aveirah was making chumras where it doesnt belong.

Today Chumras are being made where they dont belong and can actually be more harmful than good

I heard from RABBIS that such chumras as

Women Cant Drive

Women Cant Vote

Photoshoping of Women including world leaders out of photos

Women in the back of the bus

Are more HARMFUL than good

And if you dont belive me, google Yossi Sarid who posted a piece in Haaretz saying Othodox judaism treats women worse than dogs.

And the Sikirim are jsut following chumras, but some of the are probably mentally ill and dont know the difference between chumra and Halacha they have gone overboard