Reply To: Ami Mag cover

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Now, AMI’s editor Frankfurter finally released a statement saying that his magazine MAY have crossed a line. When asked if he will write a retraction this week, he said he’s considering it because he hopes he didn’t offend the sensitivities of the readership.

Rabbi Frankfurter, save the ink!! No normal JEW would allow your trash into their house anymore. If Abe Foxman has to give you mussar, you know you’ve fallen off the wagon.

Rabbi Shafran has e-mailed that he is “SHOCKED” at the both the front cover and the picture associated with his column a few weeks back. To that end……Reb Avi, stop writing for media outlets unless you have complete control of what is being published alongside your columns.

G_A_W: The journalistic ethics and integrity at Mishpacha aren’t so hot either!!