Reply To: Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas

Home Forums Shidduchim Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas Reply To: Frustrated Mothers of Girls: Can we hear your ideas


IMO having been involved in shadchanus for years, the problem is parents with lists and if one thing is not on the list, the shidduch is off. In my time if the boy and girl were fine menchen the shidduch was redt. Nowadays if the the girls grandfather didn’t go to the right kindergarten the shidduch is off. very stupid. Another issue I have is that we have Touro College which is full of potential shidduchs and keeps the girls and boys in seperate buildings. I’m not saying it is for everyone, but surely a Rav can come up with a way for some boys and girls to meet informally and see if they are interested in each other.